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This topic is one of a larger group of strategic issues that our Elders wish to address in community with our brotherhood. These challenging subjects can be addressed with hope and dignity when approached in prayer as a body of believers.

Three study groups of faithful Sisters and Brothers from across the globe have been meeting to consider what it means to live as Godly Men & Women in our time. Through a series of webinars, we aim to share their insights gained and also foster an exchange to learn from the perspectives of our wider brotherhood. We invite you to review the recorded sessions below and then to register to attend future sessions.

Session 1 / March 26th: Biblical Human Anthropology

Topics discussed include:

  • What does it mean to be created by God as a human?

  • Are flesh and spirit interrelated and can they be separated?

  • What does it mean to bear the image of our Living God?

  • How does this affect the way we seek to love like Jesus?

Session 2 / April 23rd: Scripture and Application

Topics discussed include:

  • Where can we find direction, peace, and even joy from the Word of God regarding our flesh?

  • What does the Bible say about the bodily resurrection of Jesus, the God-Man?

  • Pastorally, how can this inform our understanding of body image, gender, sexual sin, and death?

Session 3 / June 25th: Imago Dei - "Image of God"

Topics discussed include:

  • What does it mean to be made in the image of God?

  • Are men and women equally made in the image of God?

  • Are humans universally (regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, ability, etc.) made in the image of God?

  • Are non-Christians made in the image of God?

  • Can a person lose their status of being made in the image of God?

  • What is the dominion mandate and how does it affect my relationship with nature?

Session 4 / September 5th: A conversation about the Image of God

Topics discussed include:

  • How does sin affect the Image of God?

  • Why don't we see more of the Image of God lived out?

  • What will we be in the glory of the resurrection?

  • How can the Image of God contribute to a healthy image of self?

  • How can the church encourage a healthy image of self? How can ministers and teachers encourage this?

Session 4 / September 19th: BONUS QUESTION

Just as our 4th webinar was closing, an excellent question arrived. The fourth webinar panel held a special recorded meeting to answer this question:

  • Can you share practical examples of how increased awareness (head knowledge) of being made "In the Image of God" changed people (impressed on their hearts so that one fully embraces it), especially in the context of counseling those who are struggling? Can you speak to the transfer from head to heart?

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UPCOMING! Session 5 / Date TBD @ 7:30pm CDT: Male and Female


​Topics discussed include:

  • Male and Female (created he them - Gen 1:27)

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