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The first annual Apologetics Conference was held in Indianapolis on October 10, 2020.


You can watch recordings of the sessions below.

Introduction to the Conference

Ken Wuethrich (Indianapolis, IN), Nick Gutwein (West Lafayette, IN)

What is Christian Apologetics?

Aaron Klopfenstein (Indianapolis, IN)

How can apologetics help us love God with all our mind in these tumultuous times?


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Apologetics and the Family

Joe Gerber and Heidi Gerber (Champaign, IL)

How can apologetics help us love each other, beginning with our families? How can we nurture our children with Biblical answers to difficult questions they face in today’s post-Christian world?


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How to Respond to the Argument that ‘Religion Poisons Everything

Jeff Waibel (Leo, IN)

Skeptics often associate violence and oppression with religion. How might we respond lovingly and effectively to their complaints?


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Shepherding Individuals Dealing with Doubt

Ted Witzig, Jr. (Morton, IL)

We all experience doubts, sometimes because of intellectual questions and sometimes because of emotional hurt. How can we as ministers counsel and assist those struggling with doubt?


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Women and Apologetics: Unique Purposes

Heidi Gerber (Champaign, IL)

It is not just ministers who answer apologetics questions. Sisters are instrumental in the building up of believers in the church and home and spreading the Gospel in the community. How might they benefit from engaging Christian apologetics?


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The Problem of Evil and Suffering

Brian Sutter (Washington, IL)

Why do innocent people suffer? This is perhaps the most persistent question humans have struggled with through the centuries. The current pandemic, pestilence in Africa and Asia, and other problems magnify the urgency of this question. There are answers.


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Christianity and Race

Daniel Currier (Congerville, IL)

Some unfortunate historical connections between the church, slavery, and racial discrimination are increasingly becoming a topic of conversation in our world today. But there are beautiful ways in which the Spirit, through the church, has brought about—and continues to bring about—peace and reconciliation. There is more to the story!


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Are Christianity and Science at Odds?

Darren Plattner (Champaign, IL)

Another common misperception is that faith and science are incompatible. This is nonsense in the light of history. As secular scientists seek to push faith out of the public square, right when serious ethical questions are being raised concerning such important issues as the pandemic and artificial intelligence, it is timely to consider how we can demonstrate that the God of our faith is also the governor of the universe.


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Panel Discussion and Q&A

What are the apologetics questions you hear the most in your church and community? How can future ACCA apologetics efforts assist you in answering those questions?

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